
Malaysia 1st Hip Arthroscopy Cadaveric Workshop

Welcome to the inaugural advanced Hip Workshop. We are truly excited to embark on this journey together with MAS, fostering innovation and creativity at the intersection of our shared passions. This workshop is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive, hands-on experience, focusing on relevant surgical skills and techniques while encouraging interactive learning led by expert faculty.

Welcoming ceremony and workshop overview.
Dr. Muhammad Hafiz Daud delivered a captivating session on capsular management.
Dr. Azmi Abdul Latif’s introduction to surgical technique. 
Dr. Azmi Abdul Latif demonstrating on capsulotomy, evaluation, femoral osteoplasty, and capsular closure.

Dr. Muhammad Hafiz Daud guided participants on portal placement and evaluation.

Dato’ Dr. Badrul Shah Badaruddin assisted participants in capsular closure. 
A special thanks to our dashing faculty members.
Thanks to our wonderful Icon Medic team for aiding in and ensuring the success of the workshop.