
2nd Arthroscopic Course: Foot & Ankle

We were thrilled to organize the 2nd Arthroscopic Foot & Ankle Surgery Course in collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). This two-day program offered an enriching experience with lectures, live demonstrations, and hands-on practical exercises, all led by highly esteemed faculty members. Among them was Dr. Kim Jin Su, a renowned board-certified sports medicine specialist from Seoul, South Korea.

Prof. Dr. Saseendar delivering an insightful lecture on Anterior approach, Landmark and Indications.
Dr. Norliyana Binti Mazli providing an instructive lecture on early setup & instrumentation.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syah Irwan guiding participants in Anterior approach.
Dr. Kim Jin Su demonstrating Lateral ligament reconstruction & ATFL (Internal Brace)
Left Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syah Irwan Right Prof. Dr. Yazid Bajuri